Pet Pads by FUX PADS
Pet Pads by FUX PADS
Designed for bold and heavy pet play, each 60” x 36” pad can hold one to two gallons of liquid and is washer/dryer safe. Just like the original FUX PADS, Pet Pads will protect home surfaces from any mess. Pet Pads are ecofriendly, odor resistant, stain resistant, hypoallergenic, and compatible with all bodily fluids and lubes, including oil and silicone. All pads have triple reinforced nylon side loops for tethering.
Retail price for Pet Pads is be $185 plus $30 for custom color. Standard color of Pet Pads is black with white embroidery.
Custom colors are red with black embroidery, and blue, red, green, and pink with matching embroidery.
Custom colors are red with black embroidery, and blue, red, green, and pink with matching embroidery.
Shop Pet Pads by FUX PADS
Pet Pads are handmade by homebound sewists of the kink community.